Welcome To Flame Trust


Plans are now well in hand for the 4th Playground Project in Brusturoasa, Bacau County, Romania.

Construction will begin on 11th November with help provided by our partners – Habitat for Humanity. Flame’s Calin Rezmuves will travel out ahead of time to finalise detail and will then help with the construction. Excitement in the village of Brusturoasa is growing by the day!

Playground Project 4 - thumbnail for web siteThe images above show the space that will be used, along with the current unsafe equipment which will be removed. The town is badly in need of new facilities which this project will provide.

Find out more here and how you can help.


Highgate House proved to be a wonderful venue for our Flame Family Autumn Conference. The weather was amazing, and there was plenty of time to explore the delights of Northamptonshire and indeed the Highgate Estate, which was ideal for rest and relaxation.

Click here for pictures from the event


Chaplaincy Meeting PicTimes change, and Heads of Schools and Academies come and go – as do the CEO’s of Academy Trusts. So, we are in the process of realigning and reassessing our Chaplaincy Ministry support to make sure that we continue to provide spiritual input where most needed. Please pray for us as we plan for all of the opportunities and challenges ahead. 


We have received many enquiries about our plans for an overseas visit in 2025.  This year, our visit to Madeira was well subscribed, but was then followed by the Autumn event at Highgate House, so it has been a very full year in terms of organisation, forward planning etc.

2025 is under consideration, but increasingly the facilities that we need to hold our style of spiritual retreat with appropriate relaxation opportunity, are becoming very difficult to acquire, as many hotels now ask for considerable additional expense for us to have a dedicated meeting room plus the extra support that is needed.  However, our very good friend at Travel Counsellors, namely Sharon Bayliss, is currently working on a plan for us to enjoy some sunshine (!) in Autumn 2025. As soon as we have some more detail, we will let you know. Watch this space …

Dave Pope


Dave is now entering his 53rd year of ministry.  It all started in 1970 when he joined a mission organisation known as MWE.  Since then, he went on to be the founder of Saltmine, and participated in many global events, working with many agencies including the Billy Graham organisation and the Luis Palau Association.
Our office is operational part time. Please call 01384 232786, or email office@flametrust.org

Jackie Eames will be happy to help you with any queries relating to our tours and other projects. Please leave a message and she will call you back as and when she can.

You can also Contact Us here

Thank you for your visit - please come back soon.


Dave Pope signature

 Dave Pope 


Flame is a comparatively small organisation, but is served well by a team of folk who look after the administrative need.

Read more here



Horace Adams

Horace Adams, or rather Uncle Horace, as he was known by our CEO, Dave Pope, was called home on Sunday 8th September.  He was a wonderful Christian, who served in the Salvation Army for many years, and had an amazing ministry in and around Blackheath.

The family have kindly requested that in lieu of flowers, donations could be made to Flame’s Playground Project in Romania.

Full details of the project in Brusturoasa are on this page, and gifts can be made via:

  • Stewardship (when making your donation, please enter 'Horace Adams' in the 'Message of support' box)
  • by cheque payble to Flame Trust (marked Horace Adams on the reverse) and sent to: Flame Trust Ltd, PO Box 15, Dudley, DY1 1YQ
  • or direct to the Flame Trust Bank Account:
    Flame Trust Ltd, Barclays Bank,
    Account No: 73536483, Sort Code:  20-85-13.
    Please use the reference: ‘Horace’ then add your surname and initial.

Stewardship logoYou can support Flame Trust securely online simply by clicking on the logo here.

For more ways of donating  - by cheque / standing order / bank transfer - please click here.


Maurice, Dave’s youngest brother, is now permanently in Newbury Manor Nursing Care Home in Oldbury, Birmingham. He is receiving full palliative nursing care, but is seriously ill.  Dave is spending a lot of time at his bedside, as well as attending to many of Maurice’s affairs and responsibilities which are needing attention.

Please pray for Maurice that he might have peace in his mind and assurance in his heart, and for Dave in all of his concerns as a brother.


As we approach Christmastime, we have decided that instead of publishing an Autumn Newsletter, Flame will issue a Christmas newsletter – slightly ahead of the Christmas season - which will bring the Flame Family up to date as we head towards the festive season and the end of the year.

Christmas cards are becoming increasingly expensive to send as postage rates continue to rise, and therefore the Christmas newsletter will be designed in such a way to communicate Christmas greetings, appreciation of prayerful support, and indeed to commend the message and joy of the advent season.

Flame always considers good stewardship of all finance that is entrusted to us, and we are therefore sure you will understand why we have chosen this style of greeting at this time.  


Reduction to £5 for Still Waters for the Christmas season, plus postage and packaging





Many of you have been bombarded with requests for permission to make contact with you, but we have to comply with the law of the land – not only is that Biblical, but it also protects you all from unsolicited communications.  Organisations will also undergo random checks to make sure that there is compliance.

It is therefore critical and essential that if you want to receive information from Flame Trust Ltd regarding its ministry and activities, that you send us your agreement that indicates you wish to receive newsletters, updates etc. Therefore, if you haven't already completed this form, please do ensure you do so, and return it to us – either electronically or by printing it off and by popping it into the post. Sadly, there will be a limit as to how many more requests we can make for this information.