Romania Project 4 - Brusturoasa
Playground Construction in Brusturoasa, Bacau County, Romania - COMPLETED!
We are delighted that the latest Flame playground project, in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity, is now complete and open!
Calin Rezmuves, Flame’s Practical Assistant, was on site from 11 November, and the work was finished in around one week! The pictures tell the story of a highly successful project, welcomed with grateful thanks by both civic and spiritual leaders of the town - see the generous letter received from the Mayor here.
Our intention is to continue with these projects as needs become apparent - do contact us to be kept up to date - and you might wish to donate to these future projects: details below.
Our hearfelt thanks to all who joined with us in supporting this most recent project - each one makes such a difference to the lives of local children and their families.
Previous playground projects
In 2020, the first playground project appeal enabled a playground to be built in Sighet at a home that looks after the needs of children with disabilities. In 2022, another facility was created in the town of Comanesti to meet a similar situation of challenged children in a kindergarten that had been deprived of support and excluded from local investment. Then in 2023, a third project was completed for Valea Seaca School in Pascani which didn't have any playground or outside facilities.